Power Hour

What is a Power Hour?

Power Hours are 60 minutes spent with an Office Wren Expert on-line, to teach you the ‘ins and outs’ of a specific system.

Power Hours are where we can work through those ‘problem areas’ to make your work life that little bit easier and save you time.

Perhaps you don't need a VA on a regular basis just yet, but are struggling to get your head around certain areas of your business that need attention.​

Power Hours are designed for just this reason. They teach you a new skill, solve problems and give you clarity.

Before we start, we will send you a short questionnaire to fill out, so that we can tailor your Power Hour to your specific needs. Then we can utilise that full hour to help you gain the skills to move your business forward.

Think of it as bespoke, personalised training, just for you to help you and your business develop and grow.

Trello Power Hour - £120.00

    • How to use Trello as a Project Management tool.

    • How to view the Project on a timeline within Trello.

    • Assigning tasks to your team.

    • How to integrate Trello with other software/ platforms such as Xero and Google Drive.

    • Setting deadlines for tasks.

    • Your specific requirements are discussed and an Action Plan put in place.

Canva Power Hour - £120.00

    • How to set up your Branding Kit

    • How to change a template/adjust elements.

    • How to upload your own images into Canva.

    • How to add filters and effects to images.

    • Explore: Elements, Images, Backgrounds and Frames.

    • Adding animation to your graphic.

    • Creation of a simple Social Media Graphic for you to use.

Mailerlite Power Hour - £120.00

    • How to set up your account.

    • How to set up a Basic List.

    • How to set Templates for regular campaigns/emails.

    • How to set up an Automated Sequence.

    • Discuss subscriber groups, segments and tags.

    • How to set up a Landing Page/Site.