How It All Began

I started my business out of a promise I made my dad before he passed away. About a year before, maybe more, we were sat as a family talking (probably over one of his famous BBQ’s or Mum’s amazing roast dinners) and my parents said to me that if my job was making me that stressed and that unhappy then I should follow in my mum's successful footsteps setting up my own business as I had too much knowledge and experience to keep to myself.

Dad passed away in November 2018, but a few days before he did, he told me again that I should set up my own business and do something I enjoy. So in January 2019, when my then Employer told me he couldn't afford to bring me back after my Maternity leave finished, I launched LCL Virtual Personal Assistant.

So a bit about me, I’m married to my husband of 10 years with two beautiful daughters, one is 8 and the other is 2. As a child, I grew up in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, living the typical Expat lifestyle. I went to an American international school and made hundreds of friends from all over the world. Most of which, thanks to Social Media, I have stayed in contact with or reconnected with over the years. Returning to the UK I completed my 10 GCSE’s, then 3 A levels and went on to Study Event Management at University. I love being organised and putting things into place so at the time this seemed to be the right fit. Since graduating I have gained over 15 years experience in Senior Administrative and Office Manager roles. 7+ Years of those were in the 'Flat Roofing Industry' providing Single Ply and High Performance Bituminous Membrane Systems. I always felt that I was comfortable in that industry and would hear regularly about business owners not having enough time to do their paperwork, or how their wives were too busy with the family or their own jobs to give the support the business needed.

Whilst employed within the roofing industry I was responsible for many of the documentation that had to be completed and created and implemented numerous systems to help make processes simpler and more accurate. Did I mention I love a good Spreadsheet! With their plight in mind, I'm offering small businesses the opportunity to delegate some of their more mundane tasks so that they can concentrate on what they do best. I can take those off your to-do list and complete them in a timely professional manner just as you would. Your business is my business! Start saving time and see your business grow!


What is a Virtual Assistant (VA) anyway? And why do I need one?